How to Make Money Online Introducing Cowrywise

      Hey guys😍, we're back again with another motherfucking banger tutorial about how you can make money online using cowrywise referral program.  Don't worry, I'm going to make this post short and straight forward.


1• Click here.

2• Sign up using your preferred username and password.
3. Click on Got an invite code?

Input MEEDZUA as your invite code, then click on continue.

5. You'll be ordered to verify your details. After verification, you'll be redirected to your dashboard.

6. Save at least #100 to be eligible for the refer and get paid program and you'll be awarded N250.

Note:- The #100 is still yours, it's just to verify whether you mean business.

7. After making your payment, click on Get free #250 and share your referral code with friends.
So guys, that's all for now, if you've got any questions, don't hesitate to use the live chat.