Doing freelancing is one of the most profitable and stable work online today. If you deliver real value to people, they will pay and will avail of your services regularly. Start your freelancing career with Fiverr. It is the world's largest marketplace for digital services claiming to have facilitated 950+ services per hour last year. You can find jobs ranging from logo design, voice-over talents, social media marketing, proofreading, translation jobs, virtual assistance, copywriting, and others. You can start by registering with Fiverr and posting a gig. If a buyer avails of your services, you get to keep 80% and the rest goes to Fiverr. You can price your gigs anywhere from $5 to $995 or more. Requesting for payout is available 14 days after fulfilling an order.

You can also use Fiverr to ramp up your game with other earning opportunities presented in this app. Use it to hire designers for Teespring, web developers for Travel Payouts, content creators for ModSquad, or social media marketers for Shopify. Read on to find out more about these other earning opportunities.
All Countries

Mode of Payment 
Bank Transfer
Fiverr Revenue Card
Direct deposit (US)

How to do it right 
Consider pricing your services at or below the market price especially if you are just starting out.
Reply to inquiries as quickly as possible. Buyers have a lot of options and if they can settle their inquiries with other sellers, they will not wait for you.
Learn to say "No" if you will not be able to deliver good quality services. Veteran freelancers will always tell you the key to a successful freelancing career is to manage your time properly.
Provide the best user experience. If they are truly satisfied, they will leave a good review which will improve your visibility.
Be impressive yet truthful in your title and description. This will set the client's expectations for your work. Do not over-promise.
Throw in an unexpected freebie after delivering good quality work.
Sites that Offers Freelancing Jobs
Upwork ❤
People per hour